Deliverit streamlining processes for I Love Pizza
In the competitive world of pizza chains, I Love Pizza stands out as a unique family-owned business that has captured the hearts and appetites of both Brazilians and Australians alike around Sydney. With 18 thriving stores and counting, Roberta, the owner,
shares her journey of success and how Deliverit has helped play a pivotal role in enhancing their operations and customer
Established in 2012 by Roberta and her husband, I Love Pizza started as a single store in Balgowlah and has since grown into an 18-outlet chain, known for its distinctive Brazilian flavours. With signature pizza flavours such as Roberta’s favourites; Chicken
Catupiry and Peri Peri Chicken, their menu showcases their dedication to diversity and quality.
Roberta’s husband with prior pizza delivery experience, recognised Deliverit’s value, making it a natural choice for their business.
Deliverit has become a multifaceted solution for I Love Pizza. It solves challenges ranging from online order management to
marketing initiatives and much more. Whether it’s streamlining emails or offering support across various business areas,
Deliverit has continued to demonstrate its value. And the integration with Google Food Ordering has further empowered their
operations, providing seamless customer experiences and boosting efficiency.
“Deliverit is really great at providing us with anything we need, from online orders and marketing to emails and more. They help
us a lot in all areas.”
DPOS user-friendly interface and ease of use
“One of the standout features of Deliverit’s Delivery Point of Sale (DPOS) is its user-friendly interface,” Roberta mentions. When
training staff members, “they pick it up very quickly as it’s very easy to use.” With the team at I Love Pizza being able to grasp it
rapidly due to its simplicity, it allows staff to adapt to the platform and its capabilities, contributing to a smoother workflow, and
enhancing order management and overall operations.
Mobile App
I Love Pizza utilise Deliverit’s mobile app to enhance customer engagement. The app allows customers to place orders, providing
them with a unique and convenient ordering experience.
Based on the data from the last 30 days, I Love Pizza has received 20% of its total orders through the mobile app.
One particularly intriguing statistic is the annual churn rate, which stands at 7% for mobile clients, equating to an average
monthly churn rate of 0.58%. In contrast, non-mobile clients experience a higher churn rate of 24%, with an average monthly
churn rate of 2%. This data highlights that clients using the mobile app are significantly less likely to switch to competitors like
If you run a pizza business or similar delivery service, contact Deliverit today and let our experts walk you through how we can
get your business up and running, and more importantly, streamlining your ordering and marketing.